Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Workout Wednesday!!!

So I did the same workout as last week, well I just walked, I didn't go to the gym before..

So as I was walking up this little hill... 

I stopped to take a picture of this...
the golfers who were on the area for beginners 
the beautiful view of Catalina Island...
I somehow ended up on the ground.... and ended up feeling like a fool (and a old lady to boot)
Thank goodness it was just my aunt and uncle and not my husband cuz he would of been on the ground with me... only he would be laughing!!!
Thank goodness I didn't cry...
It kinda hurt..
Here is my injury...

Well anyways we still had 55 minutes to go so I jumped up (well not really, my uncle helped me up) and continued with our walk..

We walked an hour today...

With views like these I could walk here everyday...

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