Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Workout Wednesday...

Well hello it's workout Wednesday and I had a great workout this morning. No gym or personal trainer today.. just me and the beach, the dolphin's and some whales, yup whales I  saw about 3,  had to squint to see them but I did.

I did a little running and walking in the sand, trucked up and down stairs, the ramps that take you down to the sand and of course walking. I was done in about 45 min.
The workout I did this morning is one that I used to do all the time way back in the 90's and it was a breeze then, "not today" today I almost quit, threw up and fainted, but I did none of those things I pushed through it and that was it..
Boy am I out of shape!!!
or a more postitive phrase would be
"Boy It's not a easy as it used to be, but I'm doing my best"..
The bike path for my walkin...
The first set of stairs  (58) of them!!!
up the ramp!!
 Up the 2nd set of stairs....
 and back down the other side!!!

 And now for the grandaddy of them all, the one I used to run up, and take 2 steps at a time.  My record of  going up and down this baby is 14 times.. in one hour... (72 steps)
And sadly today I balery made it up 2 times.......

OK so I'm not like I used to be, but I'm still out there chuggin along:)

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