Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Workout Wednesday....

Today was tough..
I went to my cousins house because he has this hill in his back yard....
but first things first....
I needed a challenge today even if it wasn't long one, so I called my cousin last night and said I will be over in the morning and can you take pictures... He didn't jump at the chance to say yes to his 7 month  older cousin.....he said aaahhhh well if the surfs good I will be surfing.. obliviously the surf sucked...

So I ate a tiny bit... knowing that I should not eat anything else...and arrived to conquer the hill in the back yard.. my goal was 5 times...down and back up...( when I told him how many I wanted to do he just
So here is his backyard...

no wait this is his backyard...that other one is the view...

but this is the hill in the backyard....
 So as you can see I made it to the bottom.. that was easy even though I almost fell a few times....(I was going too fast in the soft sand part)

As you can see on the way up I was already grasping anything I could to help me up....

No I wasn't crawling

oh yeah... half way up...

I made it up.... 1st round...

Back down again!!!!!
I rested for about 5 minutes, but I didn't sit down....

The 2nd time up was just as difficult but I took more rest stops...

The final push...

He must of put this fake rock here for just this reason....
That was hard.. and here I thought I was going to do it 5 times...
I made it 2 times..

Was  I crazy for thinking that or just wishing....

OK looks like I have recovered....

I told me husband that I made  it up 2 times.. he said well I can do it 4 times....
So we have a challenge.. I bet he finds every excuse in the book not to go..

Until then..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Workout Wednesday..

My workout today was organizing the pantry, shopping 
walking on the treadmill....
I made it 1 mile under 20 min (better than last week)..

By the time I realized that I had a better time, it was already past 1 mile.. (I was too busy watching a movie)... I called for my husband to bring the camera, and he came into the room real slow and asked what I wanted... I told him to please get my camera and please hurry, but did he??? nooooooo he did not!!!

So here is my results 1 3/4 mile....
33.26 time
217 calories

So the moral of this workout is..
If I want pictures, make sure I have my camera with me...

Now I think I will make Banana bread..

The FINISHED pantry....

Today is the day that I get to finish the pantry....Yippee.

So off to The Container Store...
Opps I guess I got a little distracted...
because I am at

It's not every day that I go here.. it's 23 miles from home so I was a little distracted trying to find my way around shoppers paradise....
Well anyways I made it to my destination....

I got the goods and got the heck out
and made it home before I spent anymore money!!!

Hmmm I might need some help...

So I put on of these on ice.. (just in case), but it turned out
that I didn't need any help.

So I cleaned out the pantry, it took no more that 15 min to empty the whole thing..but I had a even bigger problem going on....This is only one side of the kitchen, I wanted to spare myself anymore embarrassment... so you don't get to see the other side.

So I had to bring the hard stuff out to help me tackle this mess.. 

This is just what I needed...

So I'm ready to show you my new and improved pantry... (you better make sure your sitting down for this)
The can stacker hold a lot of cans and 2  fit perfect..

The pasta, the tea, drinks and the baking stuff all have there own basket... if fact almost everything has it's own basket.

All it took was 1/2 day (including the shopping and driving) and less than $100.00 to do this.
I am so happy now I have a organized pantry that has a spot for everything.....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Workout Wednesday....

I went to the gym yesterday with my Aunt Jean and worked out for a hour..
I don't have any pictures to prove what I did because we got busted taking pictures, she stopped us by the 2nd  picture and said it is against there policy. She was the only staff member there and she had her back to us... go figure..

Today is a new day and I have a few pictures to prove what I did..

We finally got the treadmill fixed
9% incline here ( I can prove it)
walking uphill burns 30% more calories.. 

almost made it 1 mile in 20 min.. was power walking 3.7 mph's..
Total 1.25 miles.. in 25 minutes...

100 side steps total  it works this small muscle that goes down the side of your thigh called the IT band... help support the knee if you have knee problems like me...

3 sets of 10 push ups...

10 leg lifts

kettle bell anyone...

2 sets if 20...

OK I'm done....

Then my 4 yr old granddaughter showed me up and did straight legs push ups...

The kitchen pantry.. oh my...!!!!

Yes I could have a great kitchen pantry if I just put away the food properly...
but sadly I am unable to put anything else away at the  moment or find anything to eat.
It did not happen over night.. it was organized for a long time especially since I got roll out shelves a few years ago.
I don't keep spices in it ( they have there own cupboard) the flour is in the fridge as are the walnuts for baking.
I think it started when I stopped drinking coffee everyday (and wanted to coffee pot put away) it takes up a lot of space and also having reusable grocery bags...(where the heck do you keep those)... I've tried the car but again that's more stuff in the car. (not good either) they always end up back in the house..

This is not my pantry.. I wish it was a walk in.
My pantry doesn't look like this
the potatoes are way too organized...
Is this a dream or what...

Is there any real food in here??

Are these even real unstaged pantries in real folks homes?

Well I will show you a real pantry in a real folks home..

I wish it was the neighbors, but sadly it's mine.

Enough of that....
I better do something so I can cram more cans in...

I thinks I need something like this, if I stack any cans they usually fall behind the drawer and then it won't shut.
I know Amazon has some...
Hmmm I better research to see what else I can do...
until then be glad this is not your pantry..