Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My count down to organazing my home, myself and everything in beween...before my 50th rolls around..

So as I wrote on  my previous post that I decided that I was going to open up my house to all of the undone project and the places that you don't want anyone seeing .

But as I was thinking more about this, I decided to change it to not just my home, but to everything about me...and my life..   

I will be turning 50 in February 2013, so for the next 13 months I will embark on a journey to get rid of the gray hair, clean out the closets and take a journey into the areas that I'm even afraid to go, with plenty of embarrassing before photos and hopefully proud after photos.

So on January 2nd ( none of this January first resolution stuff) after the rose parade I will start my first project... so let me put some make-up on and take a picture with shaggy hair, with more gray than I want.....and get these project started....

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