Friday, December 30, 2011

The gray hair dilemma...

So this past year my hair has been turning gray at alarmingly fast rate. I just didn't want to be bothered with dying it... So  for the past 6 months I have gone day by day with yes lets cover the gray to no but" I wonder if I would be one of those hot gray haired mamma's if I let it go gray"....

We've all seen the women that look GREAT!! with gray hair and the women that don't look so good.
So I decided that since I'm not even 50 yet  why look like It.. right???

I gave myself til the end of the year...

Well its the end of the year....already.

So the verdict is LET THE GRAY BE GONE!!! but the  thing about the gray hair is not just the color but the hair is pretty curly and the gray is straight.. ugh... oh well I'm never going to get a perm ever... So check out my gray hair..

Told you it would be embarrassing:)

Here's the new color, but I might color it darker next time. Light brown did not quite cover it good enough...
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