Friday, December 30, 2011

The gray hair dilemma...

So this past year my hair has been turning gray at alarmingly fast rate. I just didn't want to be bothered with dying it... So  for the past 6 months I have gone day by day with yes lets cover the gray to no but" I wonder if I would be one of those hot gray haired mamma's if I let it go gray"....

We've all seen the women that look GREAT!! with gray hair and the women that don't look so good.
So I decided that since I'm not even 50 yet  why look like It.. right???

I gave myself til the end of the year...

Well its the end of the year....already.

So the verdict is LET THE GRAY BE GONE!!! but the  thing about the gray hair is not just the color but the hair is pretty curly and the gray is straight.. ugh... oh well I'm never going to get a perm ever... So check out my gray hair..

Told you it would be embarrassing:)

Here's the new color, but I might color it darker next time. Light brown did not quite cover it good enough...
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Workout Wednesday...

So for the past month I have been going to a personal trainer with my granddaughter on Wednesday's...It has been nice to have someone help you out a bit.. kinda makes you accountable to work out other days (like i said Kinda)... I have also been having my back and neck adjusted by Dr. Nick... yes he is a Chiropractor..Its pretty freaky hearing everything crack and scares me quite a bit...I was getting headaches almost every day and would go through a 50 pill bottle of Advil a month... not good, but I have only had 3 headaches this past month.. that is really good!!!!

So I'm going to continue with the personal trainer and try really had to get up and work out early on the days that I work....not sure about the other 4 day.........

 See ya next Wednesday...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My count down to organazing my home, myself and everything in beween...before my 50th rolls around..

So as I wrote on  my previous post that I decided that I was going to open up my house to all of the undone project and the places that you don't want anyone seeing .

But as I was thinking more about this, I decided to change it to not just my home, but to everything about me...and my life..   

I will be turning 50 in February 2013, so for the next 13 months I will embark on a journey to get rid of the gray hair, clean out the closets and take a journey into the areas that I'm even afraid to go, with plenty of embarrassing before photos and hopefully proud after photos.

So on January 2nd ( none of this January first resolution stuff) after the rose parade I will start my first project... so let me put some make-up on and take a picture with shaggy hair, with more gray than I want.....and get these project started....

Sunday, December 11, 2011

1 year ( or how ever long it takes) to organizing the house and everything else

So today..(well maybe sometime back) as I stood in the garage waiting for the washer to finish I though "what a crappy laundry area" I should do something about this..... so a bit later,( OK 10 minutes later) I've decided to base this little blog on not just fixing the laundry area in the garage, but to other projects around the house,

We all have the public areas in our home that everyone is welcome in and when they walk in they say "oh your home looks so nice" and your thinkin "Yup your right but don't open this door or that door"...

So on January 2nd after the rose parade I will start my 1st project..I am frightened to air my dirty laundry...   but some things in my home are needing  some TLC                                                             
Some will be small projects and some will be big( well at lease 4 will  be) from the spare catch all room to the graffiti in my step-daughters closet and even the laundry area in the garage (which is in my husband domain) will all be taken care of with a twitch of my nose and some elbow grease........

So stay tuned it going to take a few more weeks to get the courage up and post the pictures of the places that no one sees................ until then here is a picture of my living area.. I like it... but lurking in high,  low and under things it needs work too..........