Friday, July 27, 2012

My daily picture..

I failed at taking a picture a day this week..
here is my lame excuses...
I forgot..
I have been taking pictures with my cell phone camera and they are not down loading properly..
that's all I have.

So today I took some random pictures at home to make up for the missed days...
here they are...

my grandson thinks he can stay up all night and watch t.v., but he fell asleep by midnight and ended up like this by morning..not sure how comfy that is but he won't sleep in his bed...just wait til school starts and the 9pm bed time rolls around.,.hahahahahahahaha... gosh I can't wait.,.
So she got this crappy ice cream because  it  had the "bratz" dolls on the packaging..
from the ice cream man... 3 bites later it was down the sink...(glad it was her brothers dollar)..
and just in case your wondering yes she is wearing a snow white dress...
Yes 6 more jars of tomatoes...
That's it... enjoy..


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Daily pictures..

I have decided to take a picture daily for 30 days. It 's just what I feel like taking, no rhyme or reason

So here is my first picture taken Friday July 20th..

This is overlooking the 105 freeway getting on the 105 from the 405...
Obviously I am not moving..

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More tomatoes...

Since I have tons of tomatoes and most of them are being thrown away I decided to try and preserve them in jars.

So I did, it was super easy and now I have 6 jars of fresh tomatoes..

I sterilized the jars on the sanitize cycle in the dishwasher and squeezed lemons from our tree. You need to add lemon juice before you cook the tomatoes..

I put them in boiling water for 30-60 seconds..

Then they went in the ice water bath and the skin's pretty much slid right off the tomatoes.

My 8 yr old grandson helped me...
He first said "ewwwe this is gross"( not sure how to spell ewwe)..
They smell rotten.. and then I showed him how and he said
"oh grandma this is cool".
What do you know he thought it was fun...

Filled up the jars.. added lemon juice then boiling water
and then off to boil for 50 minutes..

Thank goodness I had this hugh pan (I make tamales and cook them in this pot)..

It worked!!!!
I have six jars..
I will be making more and I am going to make peaches and strawberry jam..

The web site I went to is called
It has all kinds of interesting things to do and lots of canning ideas..

Saturday, July 14, 2012


There is this tomato plant in my back yard..
I did not plant it, no one in my family planted it.
It grows by the water spigot..
We have ripped it out 3 times by the roots...
It grows back stronger and bigger each time..
The branches (or what ever you call them) are over a inch thick in places...

The tomatoes are really good....
There are tons of them...
OK so this is one plant...
I can't even find all the ripe one's. When I lift a branch to look, the branch breaks because it is so heavy with tomatoes. 
This is this weeks..
I have already thrown out this many...
My 4yr old granddaughter eats them like a apple..

Friday, July 13, 2012

Since I started working outside the home again one year ago I started feeling like I need to be doing what some of the other girls are doing..(buying very expensive purses) not just one but more than I could ever imagine buying.
So I decided to keep up with the Jones and buy a purse that you can't get at Target or JC Penny...
besides I haven't purchased a purse in a while...

I decided I could afford a Coach purse and since I'm so darn practical it had to be black...
So I started looking.. looking at the prices you see and found out that I couldn't bear the idea of spending more that say.. $125 any more than that kind of scares me.

Well I did not find any Coach purse for $125 that was the right size...I could buy a wallet...

Hello E-Bay...
Thank goodness for all the pre-owned Coach purses for sales, because I found the perfect one, barely
 used for $100 including shipping...

Isn't it cute....
I love e-bay... I think I have to get a bigger purse
and of course it has to be black...

The old man chair...

Last week my husband decided that he wants a recliner just for himself..
You know this is MY chair nobody else can sit it in while he pounds himself on the chest speech....
( this is when it is OK too roll your eyes ).
The first recliner he tried was the one we bought, in fact he did not even want to try another one...
He's in pig heaven..

Apparently so are they..

He said he wants to buy a car cover for when he is at work...