Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's Mammogram day.. Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!

OK enough of the funny stuff....  having a mammogram is serious stuff...

I had my 10th mammogram today....

 my first was a baseline at 35yrs . A baseline mammogram is so they can compare future ones with the first one to look for changes or difference as the years go by.
The recommendations for a baseline or your 1st one range from age 35 to your early 40's. I have had one every year since I turned 40.
It's really no big deal to me, I'm done in 10 minutes or so.
It is a little awkward the first few times (for me a pap smear is alot worse) and just tell the tech if it is your 1st one so she can be a bit more gentle.
They hurt a little bit, but it used to hurt way more when I drank alot of caffeine daily.

15yrs ago my Aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was in her late 50's and had missed her mammogram by 6 to 7 months. And in that time it grew and went into her limp nodes, so she had to have a mastectomy, then chemo and radiation.. if she  went when it was a year it might of just been a lumpectomy. There was no family history, she does not smoke or drink alcohol. Thank goodness she is a survivor...

So your breast is squished between the top and the bottom plates...
It is hard holding your breath, (you can't breathe just like when they do a X-ray on any part of your body) if you breathe or move then they have to redo that one image.
4 images on each side...
before you know it your done!!!!
So if you need to have it done, just do it!!
you'll be glad that you did..

Here are a couple sites that have alot of info on mammograms..
just search for mammogram on each site..
also check in your area for low cost mammograms if you don't have insurance.

one last funny thing!!!
If only!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to, Cry If I want to...,.

Well I am officially 1 year away from 50 yrs young.
I am officially off the sick list (and off the couch) and ready to embrace that big number coming up...
Who cares about 49 right? Well this year I do...
10 years ago today I woke up and said OMG!!! I'm turning 40 in a year...
so the whole year all I did was stress and obsess about the big 40.. and did not enjoy my 39th year....At the time I was working in a OBGYN's office and I asked patients what they did, or how they felt when they turned 40.. (I did this everyday I worked) some of the women sure did surprise me with there answers.. most were OK but some wanted to completely leave everything behind (kids and husband included) and have a different life....most just had parties or went on a trip or something fun..

So when I woke up on my 40th birthday I felt the same as 39... I kinda got mad a myself for making such a big deal about it... I did not accomplish anything and I didn't even do what I wanted  because I never planned it.. I was too worried about the next year....

This year will be different!!! I am not going to think about turning 50 all the time (just some of the time).... I have a whole Lotta thing to do and things that I want to do and believe me I am going to do what I want on my 50th...... I'm going to plan it this time.........
So happy birthday to me....
OMG I'M TURNING 50 IN A YEAR...........

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What happend to workout Wednesday????

Well I feel crappy that's why!!!
Well we all have good intentions anyways don't we...
Gone (but just put on the back burner) is the 1980's workout ( I can barley breathe just siting here)
Gone is the  next project (that's OK)..for now..
Softball and Baseball have taken over the house..
Or should I say my messy house...

So now I need to get back to the important tasks of the day...
The picture should tell the whole story.
OK it shows only part..
it doesn't show the T.V. the remote control..
my Nook color for finishing Catching Fire ( hunger games)
oh and the ice cream in the freezer...

So I better hop to it or my day will be wasted doing nothing....

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Workout Wednesday...

So I'm not working out today..sadly I came home from work Monday super, super sick..not up to getting my butt kicked today.
I had something that I was told was a Migraine headache and I have never felt anything like that.. it was horrible...
I will spare you the details.

Since I was not feeling good yesterday, dinner was crock pot style and it was yummy..
So here is the two recipes I made last night along with frozen vegi's and rice a roni (the San Francisco treat).
In the mean time I am taking care of my sick granddaughter, making some fresh  juice and baking chocolate chip cookies later.

Here is what I made..
BBQ chicken in the crockpot...
4-6 pieces boneless skinless chicken breasts (i threw them in frozen... even easier!)
1 bottle BBQ sauce (sweet baby ray's all the way!)
1/4 c vinegar
1 tsp. red pepper flakes
1/4 c brown sugar
1/2 - 1 tsp. garlic powder

mix BBQ sauce with all ingredients listed under it. place chicken in crockpot. pour sauce over it and cook on LOW for 4-6 hours. you pretty much don't even have to stir it... how easy is that!?
cheddar and herb biscuits (super easy)
These were really good... go easy on the garlic...

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons shortening
3 tablespoons butter, cold (or room temp works too)
1 cup buttermilk (i never have buttermilk so i use 1 c milk and 1 1/2 tsp vinegar... let them sit together until little bubbles appear on the top, about ten min.)
1 1/4 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese (i pretty much do 2 cups)

Buttery Topping:
3 tablespoons melted butter
1/4 teaspoon dried parsley flakes (not necessary... just pretty)
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, garlic powder and salt. Cut in shortening and butter until coarse crumbs are formed. Lightly mix in grated cheese. Mix in buttermilk just until moist (dry spots here and there are ok - the biscuits will be tough if they are overmixed). Drop the biscuits onto a greased or lined baking sheet (i use my cookie scooper). Bake for 12-14 minutes, until browned and golden. While the biscuits are baking, in a small bowl combine butter, parsley, garlic powder and salt. Right when the biscuits come out of the oven, brush the butter/herb mixture over the biscuits evenly (alternately, you can dip the top of the biscuit into the butter mixture). Serve immediately.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sings of spring at my house..

Ok so its smack dab in the middle of winter but there are signs of spring all around my house, just lettin ya know that it's 75 degrees too....

It is still light after 5 pm....
I betcha if you look carefully you'll see a project for my husband...which I did not notice until I saw this picture.
The east facing sun is finally peaking around the north corner in the front of the house..

The day lily's are coming back up (I started with 8 now I have about 20)
I have some incredible colors, love them, but wish they lasted longer than a day...
I will post pictures when they bloom.

Can you really get rid of calililys?
Not if you just dig them up.. well I did that last year and they started to grow right back. I keep pulling them up.. so I decided to let them come back for awhile. The first flower in the shadiest part of planter.

The flowering plum trees in the front yard are flowering (its a bit early but it's been warm)
The first flowers are usually more towards the end of February to beginning of March.
Love this dark Maroon tree...

 Stay tuned I have my  next project planned.
Here is a sneak peak..

It's another closet, but this one was never finished after some remodeling...

See you for workout Wednesday.. going back to the 1980's... (no I'm not going to dig out a g-string leotard and teach step aerobics again, that was in the 90's)

I am going to get my butt kicked on this one... and I promise I am going to do something new soon....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Workout Wednesday...

Well I did not quite work out today..
I was busy with my  almost 4yr old granddaughter.
But going to the park, walking in the sand, pushing her on the swing  did count for something....

OK I'll see ya..
(gotta go do some planks or something)