Friday, September 7, 2012

The beach..

This past week my husband and I went on a walk at the beach..
It was very beautiful (like always)..
Out in the ocean there was this platform with a crane, helicopter pad, a building and people on it..
We started our walk towards its so we could see what was going on..
I thought they were making the entrance to the harbor deeper
but they were doing something with pipes..
So when we got there we sat down!!
The crane finally started up and moved around a bit but it never really did anything..
The area around the pipes that were on the sand (sorry don't have a picture) were blocked by orange netting,
then we noticed this man sitting under a ez-up shade thing with a cooler next to him..
Ok really.... is this his job??? cuz if it is I want it..
How in the heck did he manage to get this job..We did see him get up and play security guard to a surfer who got to close to the pipes...
Jeez sitting on the beach with your hard hat on and a orange vest at 9:30 in the morning..
and did he really need a hard hat on...come on....
So a few minutes later we noticed him and another guy with this super nice professional camera with a large zoom lens taking pictures of the wait of the 3 hot surfer girls in little bikini's surfing...
There in this picture somewhere..
Well anyways we had nice time sitting on the rocks spending time with each other..
 Didn't get much of work out..
Until next time..


Saturday, September 1, 2012

I finally worked out on Wednesday....

I went walking/hiking again..
I have always loved trail running
since I can't run anymore,  I walk..
I walked for a hour and brook out in  a sweat on this one..
I took a whole bunch of pictures..
I went to the Terrenia Resort in Palos Verdes,  just down the street from the Trump Golf course..
Very beautiful...

This trail is called the discovery trail, it winds around the resort along the cliff...
Anyone can come and use the trail, they left it open to the public so you don't need to be a hotel guest...

This is now my favorite workout/walk...

Another good day...

Last night Aug, 31 at 11:20 pm my husbands daughter blessed us with our 10th grandchild..
The 7th girl...6lbs 13oz...
We almost have a softball team..
She has super long fingers so we are thinkin pitcher...
That's only 8 years away...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My morning walk..

It's been a month since I walked..
The week after our nightmare camping trip I woke up with a swollen knee and by 2 that day I could not even put any weight on it...
I saw the orthopedic PA almost 2 weeks later...
Some fluid was removed and some cortisone was put in...
And now I am ready to hit the road again...
I did better than expected... one hour on the trail..
Enjoy the pictures of my walk at Point Vicente...


What a beautiful place to walk...
and a great way to start the day...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Getty museum...

My granddaughter and I went to the Getty museum in Los Angeles..
It is such a deal you pay $15.00 to park and the museum is FREE!!!!
So If you have 8 people in your SUV its only $15.00...for all of you..
You can bring a picnic and find a nice shady spot on the grass areas, bench or table..
It was a beautiful sunny day..
Enjoy the pictures...
Walking up from the tram to the first of thousand's of stairs....
but around the stair's were ramps and plenty of elevators...
  The views of Los Angeles were beautiful..
 The beautiful garden area..
These are 1 inch re- bar with bougainvilleas growing inside and out the top...
We sat here in some chair's and had a cool drink..

Watching the water.. it was almost silent..
The same water turned into a waterfall down to the garden area and this amazing plant sculpture..
We made some wishes and tossed some pennies in...
This is the cactus garden and this is as close as they allow..
Kid were rolling down this and the other hills...
You could only take pictures outside not inside..
We only spend  about 2 hours and we could of stayed all afternoon..
So much to see..
The inside  exhibits change all the time..
Great with the family, on a date and even by yourself..
Hope to go back soon and see it in the fall..

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today was a good day...

No it's not because I didn't have to work today..

No it's not because I found 4 mcdonalds coupons  so I can get a free iced coffee tomorrow...

No its not because I have a clean

No its not because the dentist could not do x-ray's....

No its not because I folded and put away 4 loads of laundry (one is still in the dryer and it will stay there all night)...

Ok Ok I will tell you.

Some of you will be excited and some of you won't..



It was 7am  when my grandaughter (the tall one)and her best friend left for there 1st day of high school 9th grade.

So they made scrambled eggs at 2:30am, were starting showers at 4:30am and I got woken up at 5:30 because they couldn't find the iron...

I really don't think they slept at all...

I am gratefull that my granddaughter has always loved school and I've never had to drag her out the door to get there (she was usually warming up the car for me when I had to drive her to middle school)...

4 more years for her then off to college....

And just to clarify things they are not carrying purses... they are bags...

daily pict for thursday 8-14

Does it ever end!!!!!

And there are clothes in the washer and dryer....

ugh!!!  I hate folding and putting them away....